A walk of colors and vibrations with Zelina through Costa Rica’s nature. 🐳
Taking trips to nature sceneries is the primary source of inspiration to Zelina. Sometimes the journey is short, like when she visits the parks close to her home in San José, sometimes is long, like traveling to the unforgettable Bocas del Toro. She comes back from those places with vibrant memories to share through her colorful illustrations.
On Zelina´s paintings species from the forests and seas of Costa Rica like beetles, whales, octopuses or sea turtles are easily recognizable. However, when it’s about textures and colors, a different universe stands out, filled with unexpected nuances and intricate patterns.

An illustration dedicated to the Marino Ballena National Park. According to Zelina this scene inspires her warmth that’s the reason for its colors
“I think what gives freedom to my stroke is the absence of previous sketches in each piece, every piece of work borns from the starting stroke it self. Almost everything is handmade, barely recently I am applying colors digitally.” Says Zelina.
Zelina told Pura Inspiration that behind her work lays a clear intention to bring people closer, especially children, to the protection of nature. And her paintings want to grasp attention from a positive approach.
“It swam close to me;
I could see how beautiful and big they are,
I even saw gorgeous details in its eyes.”

Sharks are her favorite muse. She shows her love for them in paintings and by working to save them from utter predation.

A playful and crazy octopus.

A starfish, seen through a Pura Vida kaleidoscope.
From 2015 Zelina has been particularly worried about sea life although she feels a particular fascination by sharks. Once while diving, she lived a unique experience close to a hammer shark. “It swam close to me; I could see how beautiful and big they are, I even saw gorgeous details in its eyes.” She told us.
Today she is involved with a group of artist in a sculpture project on the Isla del Coco National Park. The idea is to build a sculpture made from confiscated materials used in illegal fishing, thus creating awareness about the impact this illegal industry generates.
A crazy-eyed coral skinned fish. What animal could it be? Maybe it doesn’t matter to know.
Zelina’s work manifests itself in many different expressions and formats like Illustration, murals or sculptures. But there’s also an affordable way to own some her repertoire: Her brand, Dodo Illustration. On many places in Costa Rica sell her “National Parks” postcards. They are outlines ready to be colored by their new owner/artist.
Zelina thinks this is an easy way to involve children and grown-ups with the message and at the same time customize their souvenir or postcard.

A contemporary illustration on her trip by “Arbofidia project” close to Carara National Park.
Her concern for sea life and her closeness to so mistreated species such as sharks makes her claim. “ Costa Rica thinks itself as a green society, but forgets that is a deep blue one.”
To confirm Zelina’s quote, we shouldn’t forget that the marine territory of Costa Rica is 574.725 km² compared with its land size of only 51.100 km2.
Follow Zelina Fontana’s work on Discover more of Zelina’s work in her artistic catalog. Also, follow her Facebook and Instagram.
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