Red-eyed Tree Snake. The real beauty of a false coral. Photo by Steven Gallo.
The photo of this snake, the Red-eyed Tree Snake (Siphlophis compressus) invites us to reflect on how beauty is sublimely manifested in all groups of animals and in that of snakes. In this note, we show the work of a young photographer named Steven Gallo, who is dedicated to education and conservation, especially of frogs and snakes.

I had wanted to see this incredible snake for more than two years. I was always captivated by its complexity. Its wine red color is one of those beautiful rarities of nature. It is also a tricky species to see. In June of this year, Isaac Pérez and Jeffrey Gonzáles invited me to a night walk in the Osa Peninsula, where this snake lives. During the search, one of my companions found her slipping through the dry leaves. Its scientific name is Siphlophis compressus, commonly known as the Red-Eyed Tree Snake.
“I was always captivated by its complexity. Its wine red color is one of those beautiful rarities of nature.”

Steven Gallo has been a certified tour guide since 2016. Currently, he is also dedicated to wildlife photography with a focus on reptile and amphibian conservation. From the beginning, Steven was inspired by the work that other professionals did, eventually prompting him to specialize in herpetofauna. According to him, snakes are severely mutilated, often out of fear, or only out of ignorance. In his photographs, he looks for a way to highlight these species’ beauty and importance for the ecosystems where they live.
You can follow Instagram @stevenwildlifephoto
RED-EYED TREE SNAKE / (Siphlophis Tripanurgos compressus)
This snake, which can measure up to 1.2 meters, lives in Central and South America. In Costa Rica in the Center and South of the Pacific coast.
MORE INFO: http://www.crbio.cr:8080/neoportal-web/species/Siphlophis%20compressus
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